Monday, June 13, 2011

New Blogs on my Blog Lists

I know what interests me may not interest you, but go to my side bar and check out the two new blogs in my regular blog list; one is a relative.  Who could it be?  I'm not ruining the surprise by posting the name in the main post section, you just have to go to the side bar.  Over there to the right.....

Can you believe it?  Were you surprised?  Leave me a comment if you're pleased or if you're disappointed.

The other two new blogs have to do with autism, so you'll find them list under the autism blogs I read.  Besides learning a thing or two about autism, you'll also see faith in action and great ideas any mom can use.

Happy reading!


Hauch Family said...

Well I am so happy to see she has a blog! I will love keeping track of the kids and Amanda and Derek! So excited to keep in touch!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for adding us to your sidebar- we're truly honored. And thanks for the work you do with children with autism. It's so impressive that you take the time to read and learn more about it even during your time off- those kids are lucky to have you!