Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Blog terms - Beware this is an meta-blogging post

If you have no interest in the world of blogging skip this post. If you do then read on, because I'm about to share the meaning of the some words used in the world of blogging.

BLOG Shortened form of weblog. A personal website that lists posts in reverse chronological order, with the newest post displayed at the top of the blog. Blogs usually contain a column or sidebar of links to other blogs, and a link (called a permalink) to each post. Also used as a verb, as in "Did you blog about your sister's slutty prom dress? You should."
**Uh, this is their glossary not mine.

An individual who writes for a blog, either personally or as part of a group blog.

BLOG ROLL A list of links to other blogs that appears in the sidebar of a blog (also seen as blogroll).

A reader who post comments on others' blogs, usually trying to deposit their opinion on something. Commenter's are often more educated on a topic than the blogger.

EDU-BLOG A blog designed and written to teach you something, such as how to play a guitar of knit (also seen as edublog).

FLAME A verb that implies a heated verbal exchange. To flame someone is to attack someone personally by email or in blog comments.

MOBLOG Blogging performed on the road or away from what most consider a normal blogging experience (sitting behind a desk). Posting to a moblog usually involves a cell phone or a wireless Internet connection and a cell phone camera or a PDA. The term also applies to bloggers who post while on vacation or on a road trip.

TROLL An individual who posts comments to your blog designed solely to incite other readers, either for the pure pleasure of reading their hateful posts or to increase traffic to the troller's site. This is both a noun ("Chris is the most obvious troll in the world. So unoriginal!") and a verb ("Amy trolled Mary's blog again with her typical .....

WORD VERIFICATION A technology designed to thwart comment spambots that scour the Net looking for comments sections on blogs. Forces a reader/commenter to enter a string of characters that cannot be read by computers (yet).

Okay, this is just a sampling of the very basic terms from the glossary of the "Best of Blogs" by Peter Kuhns & Adrienne Crew. I have a feeling, I'm going to be keeping this book.

This is my blog. I am a blogger. I also leave comments on other peoples blogs. I have never been flamed, nor do I want to be. And at this point in time, I do not moblog, it is way too complicated for me. I have a cell phone that takes pics, but have never used it for that purpose, much less figure how to upload onto my blog. I haven't seen any trolls, since my garage sale (little plastic doll type)and never hope to see one, or be one. Hee Hee! And a pet peeve of mine, I HATE word verification; half the time I end up having to repeat the process several times to get it to go through. Sooo f-r-u-s-t-r-a-t-ing!!

If you've stuck through to the end of this post you are a real trooper. See you around the blogosphere.

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