Thursday, September 2, 2010

Me & My Pony!

Did she really need a pony?

Well define need.
It was only $8.00 and doesn't eat a thing, except batteries.
It whinneys, clops and plays music.
So far it's a horse with no name.

She likes standing in front of it and spinning the apparatus on top to make it play different tunes.

She's pretty happy with her new ride. 
And it was all her idea to wear farmers bibs and boots.
She said "Gramie, if you're taking pictures, I need to look the part."

Daniela is smiling so big you can see her two new teeth.
Did she really need a pony?
Yes, I think she did.

And she's not letting this pony out of her sight, for a long time.
What do you think we should call this horse with no name?
Leave us a comment.

1 comment:

Meghan said...

so cute! Can we come to your house?