Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Jogging this past weekend

Just recovering from a bad sinus & ear infection, cough & cold type thing, but I needed to get back in the exercise routine, so I went jogging. I thought I would share this experience with you as it was a bit unusual.

I passed a couple other joggers and they nodded and waved, not unusual, but then I noticed that there were people along the way that waved at me too, that was weird. Then I saw at least 6 dogs off leach, what the heck? Have they disbanded the leach laws now? I'm glad they all looked pretty friendly, jogging and all as I was; my heart can only take so much. Then I saw this girl with the most ridiculous glasses, those huge grasshopper ones. God! I hope those aren't coming back into vogue, I looked ridiculous in those the first time around.

Then the waving from the sidelines began in earnest. I even saw one guy standing on a rock waving and it was about this time that I realized I must be on a route of some kind of special race. How embarrassing is that? About that same time this girl ran up beside me and tripped and fell. What did I do? Well, I started laughing like heck and kept jogging. I didn't know what to do. Should I have stopped? It was a race after all or was it for me? While I'm feeling guilty and wondering what next, I saw the finish line and this gray haired lady with her hair up in a bun started to pass me. My butt is dragging at this point, but my ego was whispering in my ear, "Don't let that old lady pass you". So I pressed some more power out of my already overtaxed muscles and crossed the finish line ahead of her. Hurrah!

I can't wait to go jogging again, who knows what my experience will be when I jog with my Mii on the Wii.


Meghan said...

were you jogging on the Wii or at a track?? I am so confused

Dorsey said...

On the Wii! It's so fun, different things happen everytime you run. One day, Audra showed me how to cheat by shaking the hand control instead of really jogging. So I took it from her and gave it a try...I ran so fast I fell flat on my face. That's the last time I tried that.