Monday, February 2, 2009

365/32 Woody's Prediction

Woody is Michigan's Official Groundhog! How exciting for us Michiganders.
This isn't Woody's real house, just her movie set. Woody resides with another groundhog in a real zoo-like exhibit in the Wild Wonders Wildlife Park. There is a tunnel that the kids & agile adults can crawl through and then stand up inside of a dome in the middle of the exhibit and safely view the groundhogs. Come check it out!
The crowd assembles for the prediction.
What will it be an early spring or six more weeks of winter?
Dick tried to sell the crowd on letting an opposum predict the weather. He had all kinds of theories which would bias the opposum towards predicting an early spring, but the crowd wasn't presuaded. The poor Virginia Possum was boo-ed off the stage and then the chants began for W-O-O-D-Y! W-O-O-D-Y!

Dick Grant, the Director of the Howell Nature Center and Dana DeBenham the Wildlife Supervisor spent a very busy morning talking with TV and newspapaper journalists and photographers, while I stayed in the office taking phone calls from radio stations, teachers and other interested citizens.

Oh! The prediction....


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