Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Autism X 6 - October 1st Discovery Channel

Okay so I just put the whole story in the Title, so what do I put in the post? If you haven't seen it you need to, it's an eye opener. If you want to see what a family with an autistic child goes through, here's a good place to start, because this family has six kids and they are from one end of the autism spectrum to the other. Classic autism, PPDNOS, Aspergers, the whole gamut in one household. It is hard to fathom, for anyone who's had experience with how much one autistic child can effect the whole family. Lord! Six of them, how do they manage...the answer is the best they can. I have to give them tons of credit, I'm not sure I could persevere for as along as they have. Three of the kids have Aspergers - a high functioning form of Autism: Bobby the oldest, Emma oldest girl in the family and Nephi a year younger that Emma. Two of the kids have classic autism, Sarah & Ammon and the youngest Mary has PDDNOS.

When these parents found out all six of the their kids had an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), they felt hopeless, overwhelmed and numb. Then came the grieving process...and after that, came the time to move do the best with what they have. Shame on those people that sit in judgement of how their house looks. It's easy to point fingers when you have normal children who sleep all night, are potty trained and can entertain themselves for short periods of time. Don't even get me started, because I would just love to have the power to make their accusers walk one day in this family's shoes.

Here's the link to the families own blog, Autism Bites. And don't forget to check out their story on the Discovery Channel tomorrow (Thurs) night.

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