Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Eating at my desk today

I keep some silverware and a coffee cup etc. at my desk, so I can eat lunch or grab a snack at work. Well today's choice was yogurt, so I reached up to get a spoon and down came three forks, landing on my desk one at a time with a ping, ting, ping.

I had to laugh when this thought popped into my head.
............................................................................................................................ "Isn't that just like life, you need a spoon and it starts raining forks".

You can use that quote of mine, anytime you feel like it. I can tell it's going to catch on quick. LOL

You know it's really hard to get motivated sometimes, like taking pictures of forks just didn't sound like it could possibly be that interesting, but after surfing the net for pictures of forks,... well let me just say, I just may try it some day.

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