Wednesday, June 16, 2010

WBW Wednesday #10 - First Communion

Audra's & Ashley's first Communion.  Both of them wore their Grandma Korte's headpiece.
Unfortunately their Grandma passed away the year before Ashley's communion, so she did not have the opportunity to see their first communion ceremony.  It did however, help us feel her presence with us that day.  She was such an awesome lady, and has been deeply missed at each and every big family event, like graduations, weddings etc.

I have a picture of their Grandma on her first communion in the same veil, but can not put my hands on it at this moment.  It was my intention to post all three pictures.  Oh! Well, sometimes things do not work out as planned.

Who knows, maybe someday Daniela or Rowyn can wear her headpeice, wouldn't that be totally awesome? Or one of my sister in law Donna's granddaughters "to-be".  I say "to-be", because she doesn't have any yet.

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