Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hanging out with Rowyn

Today I had the day off and was able to just hang out with
my dear sweet grand-daughter Rowyn.
We tried out the play mat and mobile.

I tried to get a big smile out of her, but she was only willing
when the camera wasn't around.

This one is pretty darn close to a smile.

She's very sweet and good natured.
Her one and only Christmas present from us arrived
by UPS today.  She really doesn't need clothes, so I bought
a toy, but traveling home by air there's not much room to be
packing all the extra Christmas gifts, so she received a check, which
Mommy plans to put in the bank for her.

Rowyn is our only grandchild we will have with us over Christmas
and her mom Audra is our only child home this year.

I won't pout....
I'm very fortunate to have Ashley & Daniela living with us now
and Amanda was just home with her three kids.

If you have all your kids & grands with you consider yourself
extremely fortunate.  Take advantage and enjoy it to your fullest.
I still can hardly believe these seven little blessings are mine.

Thank you God, for each and everyone.

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