Sunday, May 15, 2011

She likes to eat

Breakfast time - Yum!

Ain't she sweet!

She's a combo of both Rick & Audra

Such a happy girl

Time to get ready for church, but wanted to post some cute pictures first.
Baby Ro Ro has taken over the high chair & Daniela is sitting in a booster chair at the table.
That's what happens when number 5 & 6 are in the house.
Baby Einstein & Fresh Beat Band & Strawberry Shortcake are battling it
out for which gets played the most.
There's baby toys and contraptions all over the place and cute
little squeals and laughter fill the air.

On the flip side - my laundry room smells like a overused bathroom,
the wash machine is running overtime and Gramie is running low on energy.
But I'm loving it and wouldn't have it any other way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't have things any other way either. :) She is beautiful! Those cheeks and pretty eyes! ah! I love happy babies! :)