Sunday, March 3, 2013

One Thousand Gifts

A Dare to LIVE FULLY right where You are
A dare... who can resist that?
Not me.  Not in my childhood and not now.
If you haven't read her book (Ann Voskamp) you owe it to yourself to do so.  But, that's not the dare.  That dare is to follow in her foot steps and find a thousand gifts and record them, share them, live them as I plan to do.
I started finding gifts before I was even halfway through the book, gifts I would have barely noticed, maybe smiled momentarily or thought about for a minute or two and gone about my busy day.  Now I'm recording them, remembering to thank God for them and dwelling on them, even sharing them with others and it is bringing me more joy.  Imagine that!  More joy, who doesn't want that, need that, love that?  This has been a true wake up to God's blessings.  Showers of blessings as I'm beginning to realize.  Here's just a few that I've savored in the last few days.
  • One baby imitating another
  • Time shared with another when "everything is funny" and you can't stop laughing
  • Rocking a peacefully sleeping child
  • A sister that's on the same wave length as you are
  • Sunshine on snow after a run of gray winter days
  • The smell of baby feet  (I bet that won't be on anyone else's list)
There's even a website that's been started and you've been invited to join in at  This website offers free downloads and resources to help you live fully and give thanks right where you are.


Meghan said...

I will have to request it from the library again!

helicopter Mum of 6 ♡ said...

Something to look into! Thank you for sharing this =) I try to find gifts in each and every day!