Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Day 5 - How do you think I've Done?

Boy! Each day has been a real effort since I committed to exercising for the last 10 days of the month. Everything has been working against me... My fall allergies kicked in and my ears are plugged. On Saturday, I couldn't even get a decent enough score to rank in the top 10. My balance was off and I couldn't function normally no matter how much effort I put into it. I've been miserable, but taking antihistamines (even the non-drowsy type) have only succeeded in making me more miserable. I seem to get stuck in a half awake, half sleep state. I can't get motivated to do anything when I feel like that.

On Sunday I took a nap and then put on stretch pants (my intentions were good) and then laid on the couch for awhile. My sister-in-law Donna happened to call and casually mention she was wondering if I'd exercised that day. Ugh! So someone was holding me accountable. Up I got on the old balance board and yes, I did Yoga, dance steps, and jogged.

This morning I couldn't even force myself to attempt the easiest of exercises, so this is what I heard today when I got on the Wii board. "Good Evening, Dorsey? Have you eaten dinner yet?" Of course, I had... skipping exercises is easy, skipping dinner would kill me.

Five days down and five to go. Will I make it? I honestly can't tell you... because I don't know myself. I only have to get up early two out of the next five days; that may just be the factor that helps me succeed. Stay tuned!

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