Sunday, August 9, 2009

Flower Pics

Queen Anne's Lace - I've always loved this wild flower, even as a little girl.
I love this photo best in black & white.

Balloon flowers ready to pop open.

Balloon flowers are also known as Chinese Bellflower or Platycodon Grandiflorus.
They come in blue, pink & white. These would be considered blue.

Torch lilies, slightly past their prime for taking photos of them; the bottoms have already turned grayish/brown.

A Munchkin in my flower bed, amongst the torch lilies, bea balm, coreopsis and Day Lilies. If that had been one of my own kids way back when I'm sure they would have been in BIG trouble. A grand child can do no harm.


Ginny said...

If you could please tell my mom that grandchildren do no harm I would really appreciate it!

Dorsey said...

Oh! Ginny I would love to meet you and your adorable kids, I'm sure we'd hit it off immeasurebly well. As for your Mom, I may not like her. LOL