Saturday, February 25, 2012

I Hit it!

That said....that could be either good or bad.
Bad if you hit a deer, a dog or anything fluffy for that matter.
Good if you hit a goal, which is what I did.

I hit a 30 pound weight loss!!!!
It has left me looking better, feeling better and
needing a new summer wardrobe.
It has taken me 10 months.
I have had to change my eating habits, cut
down my caffeine consumption and get moving
in the form of walking.

I've thrown out old recipes and tried new ones.
I've learned to replace ingredients in recipes, with
less sugar and fat.
I use Quinoa, barley and ground flax seed, just to
name a few new additions to my grocery list.

Portion control has never been my strong point,
but now I rarely over eat.

I still eat out.  I just plan what to have before I go, by checking
out their menu on their website.
That way I'm able to eat foods that are lower in
points values for Weight Watchers.  Before I would
just guess, which was better for me to eat and I wasn't
always choosing the correct menu item.

Stay tuned for pictures of the new 30 pound slimmer - ME!


Meghan said...

so proud of you mom, can't wait to see the new you. I am working on portion control and self control in the snacking department- would love to lose 10 pounds but really just need to be healthier and more in control.

Theresa said...

yay for you Doris!!! Keep up the great work!

Michelle said...

Woot Woot!!!! You are doing awesome! So proud of you for making hard choices for a healthier you!

Amanda said...

mom - you look great!!!!!!!!! Way to go - so proud of you and all your hard work!