Saturday, May 14, 2011

New Baby in the Woods

Audra & Rick went for a walk and discovered
this little one waiting for it's mom in the underbrush.

They did the right thing, just took a quick look and
then left post-haste so as not to disturb the fawn from it's hiding spot.

The doe's leave their babies during the day and go off to feed,
they return towards evening and nurse the fawns.
I know from working at a Nature Center that many people
assume the fawn has been abandoned and try to rescue it.
DO NOT move the fawn unless you know the Mother has died, or
can see the the fawn is unhealthy.  An example would be if
it's covered in maggots or diarrhea or dehydrated and lethargic.
(Sorry if that's a bit graphic)

We had one several years ago only two feet from our lawn in some tall weeds.
They are so beautiful and sound like a little lamb when they cry out.
Just one of God's bountiful treasures of the animal kingdom.


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