Wednesday, December 22, 2010

They Are Here

The girls arrived around 9:30 last night.  Gramie had been up since 1:00 a.m. just couldn't sleep.  I even gave the dog a bath at 5:00 in the morning.  So wide awake and so much energy... strange, but I did manage to get a whole lot of have to do's off my list.  Anyway, by the time they arrived I was pretty tired, but have no fear this cutie pie re-engergized me.

Here's Rowyn in all her purpleness.

Wide awake and happy.  Her Grandpa Paul came on Sunday and picked-up the car seat and I told him to bring it back with a baby in it and he did.  He even went out and bought new tires and brakes, so he would be driven safe with her as a passenger.  I thought that was pretty sweet.

No stranger anxiety at this age.  Just a whole lot of cooing and smiling going on.

I had the honor of getting her ready for bed. 
Recognize this blankey?  It was Audra & Ashley's.

1 comment:

Meghan said...

she is beautiful, give her lots of snuggles from Auntie Meghan