Monday, November 29, 2010


Thanksgiving and being Thankful.

I passed a church with a sign saying something
regarding being thankful for something God is
working on right now, which we
don't even know about.

Let's give thanks.
Thank you God, for bringing Jeremy through his
disc replacement surgery.

And thank you for beginning new life, which
will make this couple a family.

Thank you for the opportunity to spend time with
grandchildren that live far away.

Thank you for family.
Thank you for good health care and all those
medical people that helped my sister fight breast cancer.

And we are so thankful, that we have Ashley & Daniela here in the U.S.
with us the past six months.

The list goes on and on.
Thank you for keeping Rick safe in Afghanistan.
Thank you for the safe birth of the two most recent
additions to our family.

Lately, I've felt that my cup is running over with all the blessings I've received.
And yet I know your hand is working and there are more
blessings headed our way.

God is so Good!
Thank you!

If you feel blessed this holiday season and have much to
be thankful for.....go out of your way
to bless someone else.

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