Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day For Me

Although I would of loved to have spent Mother's Day with all my girls or at least one of them............the miles kept us apart.  At least I spent Mother's Day with a child that means the world to me.  Ten hours to be exact and it was not boring.  Let's leave it at that.  He was on his best behavior for Mother's Day.

I took my camera to capture some updated photos of him for me and his Mom (family).  I could hardly believe it when he looked at the camera as if he knew just what to do and then he looked and smiled.

I wish his Mom could have been there to experience that.  He's never been that interested or cooperative before when I've flollowed him around with a camera.  Usually I take at least 50 shots to get one good one.  Not this time, out of the first 10 I took over half of them were keepers.

We went outside for awhile, but did not last long in nhe high winds that blew the cold right through our clothes and chilled us to the bone.

Thanks Buddy for the great day and for giving me those awesome smiles, your Mama's going to love these too.

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