Thursday, April 1, 2010

The ankle bone's connected to the shin bone

... the ankle bone's connected to the shin bone, the shin bone's connected to the knee bone, the knee bone's connected to the thigh bone...


And................this leg's connected to this little guy.

This has gotta be the cutest picture I took of Griffin Sawyer.  There's just something about a dimpled elbow, a dimpled chin, big eyes and a big hat.  What a winning combination.

"Shocker!  Gramie has the camera again."

Now I'm going through withdrawls, no cute subjects to take pictures of.
Not until June anyway, then I will have a little flower girl at a wedding and a Harry Potter Look-A-Like to give me plenty of photography practice.   The next month I hope to have pregnant sisters pose for me.  Yes, I have another chance to perfect my work with two daughters pregnant at the same time.   And if all that's not exciting enough my granddaughter is coming from Mexico to stay for awhile.   I have so much to look forward to.

Thanks, Griffin for being such a good baby model. 

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