Thursday, March 25, 2010

Getting the Picture

There are times that getting the picture you want is just not that easy.  Case in point - little girl who just had surgery.  She still cries in the night, because her throat hurts and refuses to eat certain foods.   And the most terrible symptom of all is an aversion to picture taking.

In all honesty, I suppose it could just be her age or a stage she is going through, but many times I picked up my camera this is what I got.  If she had the energy she ran away, if not she covered her face or closed her eyes, therefore I couldn't see her.

Gramie LaLa stayed for a whole week, so she had to get crafty and come up with new techniques like hiding behind brother.  But never fear I managed to get plenty of great photos.

  I took Sydney for a walk to pick flowers and she loved having the time to stop and pick as she pleased, walking a few feet and stopping again.  Gramie was clicking away on the camera, but she was oblivious most of the time.

  On Monday, when the golf course was closed we skipped down hill to our favorite bridge for a photo session to play.  It was cool and windy, so we ran back and forth across the bridge to warm up, then found a long stick to fish out some pond scum and later threw in a few rocks.

The last day of "Day Care Gramie" I planned a tea party for three (Baby Jockah, her dolly joined us) and took a few pictures with my old Kodak camera. 

Luckily this little guy let me take as many pictures as my heart desired.

1 comment:

Meghan said...

I love every one of those pics, so you will have to do the dreaded kodak upload eventually so I can order.