Sunday, July 5, 2009

Who says the exposure has to to perfect?

We just returned from a trip to North Carolina and before I download the trillions of pictures off my new Canon Rebel; I wanted to share these photos from my last trip, which I took with my old Kodak.

Perhaps you're one of those people who would say "Why did she keep that? It's over exposed." Who says it has to be perfect to be cool? Not me. I love photos that are a little bit different, a variant of the norm. These are one of a kind, not-so-perfect, unusual and well .... they're mine.

Most of the time, people try to capture the picture of the subject looking at the camera smiling. A picture can be cool even if the subject is not looking at the camera.

I love the sky in this last shot. Ava is larger than life, David (who's practically family) is in the background and then there is a crowd behind him and lastly rolling hills. I love the layered effect.

1 comment:

Ginny said...

I agree, these are great!